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Java in Bangalore
Java Training in Bangalore
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Java Course Contents
Module 1 : Introduction
1.Java Why? What? How? When? Where?
2.Different Java Versions
3.How Java is different from other Technologies
Module 2 : Introduction to Java Programming Environment
1.How to Install & Set Path
2.A Simple Java Program, Compiling & executing Java Program
3.Phases of Java Program, Analysis of a Java Program, Understanding Syntax and Semantic Error, Runtime Exception
4.Name of a Java Source File, Platform independency, Java Technology (JDK, JRE, JVM, JIT)
5.Features of Java
Module 3: Fundamentals of Java Programming
1.The naming convention of Java language
2.Comments, Statements
3.Blocks (Static, Non-static/instance)
4.Identifiers, Keywords, Literals
5.Primitive Data Types, Range
6.Reference (User-defined) Data type
7.Variables (Primitive, Reference)
8.Type Casting, Default Value
Module 4:Control Structures
1.Working with Control Structures
2.Types of Control Structures
3.Decision Control Structure (if, if-else, if-else if, switch -case)
4.Repetition Control Structure (do-while, while, forli>
Module 5: Input and Output Fundamentals
1. Methods of Keyboard inputs, Scanner and Buffered Reader
2. Java Array, Instantiation of an Array, String vs character array Accessing Array
3. Elements, Default Value, for-each loop, var args, Length of an Array, Increasing, Decreasing the size and Copy of an Array
4. Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Module 6: OOPS
1.Procedural Vs Object-Oriented Program, Different types of Program Procedural Vs Object Oriented
2.Introduction to Object-Oriented, Abstraction, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism
3.Introduction to Classes and Objects, Custom Class Definition, Instance and Static Variables
4.Different ways to create Object Instance, Instance Variable and its role in a Class
5.Constructors, types of Constructor, Constructor Rule, Constructor Overloading
6.Static Variable and its use
7.Methods and their behaviour, Constructor vs Methods, "this" Keyword
Module 7: Command-Line Arguments
1. What is a Command-Line Argument?
2. Java Application with Command-Line Arguments
3. Conversion of Command-Line Arguments
4. Parsing Command-Line Arguments
5. Using methods (Static, Non-Static)
Module 8:Exception Handling
1.Introduction to Exceptions, Effects of Exceptions, Exception Handling Mechanism
2.Try, catch, finally blocks, Rules of Exception Handling
3.Exception class Hierarchy, Checked & Unchecked Exception
4.Throw & throws keyword, Custom Exception Class, Chained Exception
Module 9: Multithreading
1.Introduction, Advantages, creating a Thread by inheriting from Thread class
2.Run() and start() method, The constructor of Thread Class, Various Method of Thread Class
3.Runnable Interface Implementation, Thread Group, The Thread States and Priorities
4.Synchronization method, block, Class & Object Level Lock, Deadlock & its Prevention
5. Inter thread Synchronization, Life Cycle of Thread
Module 10: Inheritance
1. Complete concepts of Inheritance, Sub-Classes, Object Classes
2. Constructor Calling Chain, The use of "super" Keyword, The use of "private" keyword inheritance.
3. Reference Casting
Module 11: Abstract Classes and Inheritance
1. Introduction to Abstract Methods, Abstract Classes and Interface, Interface as a Type
2. Interface v/s Abstract Class, Interface Definition, Interface Implementation.
3. Multiple Interfaces Implementation, Interfaces Inheritance, create object of the interface.
Module 12: Polymorphism
1. Introduction to Polymorphism, Types of Polymorphism
2. Overloading Methods, Overriding Methods, Hiding Methods
3. Final Class and Method, Polymorphic Behavior in Java, Benefits of Polymorphism
Module 13: Package
1. Package and Classpath and its use, Introduction into packages, Benefits of Packages
2. Package Creation and Usage, Intro to Classpath, Classpath Setting
3. Class Import, Package Import
4. Role of public, protected, default and private w.r.t package
5. Namespace Management, Package vs Header File
6. Creating and using the Sub Package
7. Sources and Class Files Management
Module 14: Garbage Collection
1. Garbage Collection Introduction
2. Advantages of Garbage Collection
3. Garbage Collection Procedure
Next Batch
Starts From 12th Oct 2024
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